Responsible for the general cost control aspects of each project, the preparation and submission of budget estimates to management and their successful implementation. 对于每个计画的一般费用控制方面是有责任的,准备和预算的服从跟管理和他们的成功落实估计。
Optimization of Equipment Repl a cement and Repair in Conditions of More General Cost 自然费用下设备更换和维修的最优化
A Research of General Cost Control on EPC General Contract Project of CD Corporation CD公司EPC项目全面成本管理研究
Responsible for the general cost control aspects of maintenance, the preparation of departmental cost budgets and their implementation and submission to management. 对于一般的费用是有责任的控制维护的方面,部门别费用预算的准备和他们的落实和管理的服从。
The cost of living/ the cost of living is a phrase commonly used to describe the general cost of living somewhere, e.g.the price of houses, food, transport and so on, e.g. Thecostofliving/生活消费是一个普遍地用于描述某地的日常消费的短语,例如房价,食物消费,交通费用等等。
The logistics zone is the link between transportation net and logics information net. By establishing the platform of logistics sharing and operation of entry enterprises, the general cost of social logistics is reduced. 物流园区是交通运输网络和物流信息网络的结点,通过物流共享平台的构建以及入驻企业的运作,降低社会物流总成本。
On the pricing of the general cost of knowledge 知识一般成本的定价
This paper inquires into the contents and method for compiling the general cost estimation for foreign-financed port construction projects. 就利用国外贷款港口建设项目总概算的编制内容与方法进行探讨。
Then, based on these three strategies, the conceptual scheme general cost calculating model is set up, and the model algorithm is given. 在此基础上,构建了协同商品设计概念方案成本计算模型,并给出了模型的算法设计。
Low general cost, about 34% of GIS equipment. 综合造价低,约为GIS设备的34%。
The paper analyses the concept and the role of "four calculation", and compares item cost analysis of construction enterprise with general cost analysis. 介绍四算的概念、作用及项目施工企业成本分析与一般成本分析的比较。
Herein a general cost function is derived by minimizing the average cost, and thereby the optimum LTPD, AOQL, and IQL plans are determined. 本文研究一般的费用模型,根据费用最小的原则来制定这三类抽样方案。
In conditions of more general cost constitution, authors prove that contral limit policies exist in discounted object function and average object function of equipment replacement and repair problems by Markov decision programming. 本文在更自然的费用结构下,用马尔柯夫决策规刻,证明了设备更换和维修问题对折扣目标和平均目标都存在一种特殊的最优策略&控制限策略。
Exercise general cost management by departments, products and customers; 实行全面成本管理,实现分部门、分产品、分客户的管理;
Second, cost is analyzed from various angles and conclusion is made that the cost in this dissertation is accountant cost, individual cost and general cost. 对成本的定义和类别进行了分析,得出本文所指的成本从不同角度来看,分别是会计成本、企业个别成本、总成本的结论。
The general cost consists of the history cost, current cost and quit cost. 综合成本由历史成本、当前成本和退出成本构成。
"Fail-stop" Singular Stochastic Control Problem with General Cost Structure 费用结构一般化的跳-停奇异型随机控制
Otherwise not only will the character and development direction of library be changed essentially, and its existence be cancelled actually, but also the general cost of economy and social development will be increased and social total benefit will be decreased. 否则不仅会从根本上改变图书馆的性质和发展方向,实际上取消图书馆的存在,而且会增加经济和社会发展的总成本,降低社会整体效益。
The author drafts general cost lowest strategy and five years plan of PVD/ DBC through the qualitative with quantitative analysis. 笔者结合定性与定量的方法,为东方锅炉压力容器事业部制定了总成本领先的基本竞争战略,并结合实际提出了未来五年的总体规划。
In this paper, through introducing the concepts of product characterization description and customer general cost, we give a method of market share and some mathematical properties of market share. 通过引进产品特征描述和消费者一般支出的概念,给出一种市场份额的分析方法和市场份额的一些数学性质及经济特点。
General Cost Estimation Compiling Method for Foreign-Financed Port Construction projects 国外贷款港口建设项目的总概算编制
Through analyzing the general cost of supplying fiscal information, we discussed the real fiscal transparency in the reality world. 通过分析财政信息供给的广义成本,讨论了现实世界的真实财政透明度。
A General Cost Model for Planning Rectifying Sampling 挑选型抽样方案的费用模型
Therefore, under the pressures of gross profit and increasing cost, pharmaceutical distribution companies, especially pharmaceutical logistics companies, need to decrease the supply chain general cost, provide more incremental services and increase enterprises competitiveness by integrating the supply chain. 所以在毛利下降和成本增加的双重压力下,医药流通企业,尤其是医药流通物流企业需要通过整合供应链,促使供应链整体成本降低,提供更多增值性的服务,提升企业竞争能力。
Taking the original management system as a foundation, from both the management level and the management flow, the new system carries out the inspector general cost management. 以原有管理的体系为基础,从管理层次、管理流程上对项目成本管理实施全面的监督化管理。
The functions and processes and general cost are analyzed. 对协调调度的定义、功能和过程以及涉及到的广义成本进行了界定。
Model takes the highway – conveyance as outside import, and takes freight and storage fee as general cost. Considering the competition between LC and LP, LP and LC are optimized in-phase. 模型以长途公路运输作为系统外输入,以运输费用和规模仓储费用作为总成本,考虑LP和LC间的竞争,把LP层和LC层同步优化。
Compared with general cost management methods, standard cost has advantage of standard, integrity, flexibility, advanced nature, practicality, oriented sex. 与一般成本管理方法相比,标准成本具有标准性、完整性、灵活性、先进性、实用性、导向性优势。
Cost accounting rules of the industry and the general cost accounting standards have the same goals, but cost accounting rules of the industry are mandatory and regularity. 行业成本会计规则的制定目标与企业一般成本会计准则的制定目标基本相同,只是比企业一般成本会计准则更具强制性和规则性。
The interpretation of non-conventional metaphor goes through three cognitive mechanisms, which in general cost more energy and longer time. 非常规隐喻的解读过程包含三个认知流程,隐喻受众理解非常隐喻花费的时间和精力大于常规隐喻。